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Foot Pain

Foot Anatomy

There are many parts of the foot and all have important jobs. Each foot has 26 bones, over 30 joints, and more than 100 muscles, ligaments, and tendons. These structures work together to carry out two main functions:1


  • Bearing weight
  • Forward movement (propulsion)


The foot must be flexible to adapt to uneven surfaces and remain stable when you’re walking. 


The foot has three parts: the forefoot, midfoot, and hindfoot. There are bones, joints, muscles, tendons, and ligaments in each of these sections.

Function of the foot

As mentioned, the foot has 2 main functions, bearing weight and propulsion, but foot health is summarised quite nicely in this poster


Common Complaints


By the age of 50, it is estimated that the average person will have walked 75000 miles, so a lot of load is put through the foot. Conditions such as achilles tendinopathy and plantar fasciitis are commonly associated with overload and more information on management and causes can be found in earlier blogs.




How Can Osteopathy Help?

When we visit an osteopath, they will take a full case history to try to learn more about your pain and possible causes. They will then examine you, looking at how your foot, ankle and lower limb move, assessing buiomechanics, flexibility, mobility, strength to try to come to a diagnosis. 

It may be that osteopathy can help using a combination of hands on techniques to mobilise and stretch stiff and tight areas if appropriate, advise on exercises, strengthening program which may include balance and core strengthening exercises.


Referral to an allied health practitioner such as a podiatrist may also be appropriate if it is felt that innersoles or their expert opinion is beneficial.

Occasionally scans such as an Xray may be required if a condition such as stress fracture is suspected.

For more information please get in touch







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